
About MARkrete


MARkrete Concrete Roof System is a solution for sustainable, permanent roof structures. MARkrete Concrete Roof System does not use any wood components, thus making the roof; termite, fungus and rot resistant. With the use of polystyrene (EPS) in the MARkrete Concrete Roof System insulation is not needed since EPS Panels acts as insulation. MARkrete Concrete Roof System utilizes EPS making it an ideal choice for green building designs, in addition to insurance savings. Because of the design of the panels, it allows for a more creative and flexible use of the interior space.


Other Services:

  • General Contracting
  • Construction Project Management
  • Custom Construction of Residential and Commercial Communities

MARkrete vs Wood Trusses


Wood trusses are found on the majority of residential structures in North America and Europe, and can also be found on a variety of commercial structures. Wood trusses carry a disadvantage over the MARkrete Concrete Roof System. Wood is susceptible to rot, warp and fire, especially if exposed to the elements and suffers extreme damage during violent weather, it also attracts insects such as termites. The MARkrete Concrete Roof System is designed to sustain extreme weather; it will not be susceptive to rot or decay even when exposed to the elements. MARkrete Concrete Roof System’s principle design is to be secure and sustainable.

AND. Because no wood is used the MARkrete Roof System is a green product. Using the MARkrete Concrete Roof System will results in insurance savings.

Why Markrete



MARkrete Concrete Roof System is comprised primarily of a continuous reinforced expanded polystyrene panel (EPS) which are held together with the patent MARkrete Roof System Z-Channel.



MARkrete Concrete Roof System does not use any wood components, thus making the roof; termite, fungus and rot resistant. The thick polystyrene panels form a protective cover reducing radiant heat from reaching inside the structure. The polystyrene panels also act as a fire retardant.



MARkrete Concrete Roof System is primarily designed for the construction on single family homes. Within its design we are able to address different ceiling styles such as vaulted ceilings and/or drop ceilings.

Because the use of polystyrene (EPS) in the MARkrete Concrete Roof System insulation is not needed since EPS Panels acts as insulation. In addition, it is as versatile as regular wood trusses which can be made for any type of roof design.


Energy Efficiency

With the MARkrete Concrete Roof System utilizing EPS it becomes an ideal choice for green building designs. Since EPS is used in the MARkrete Roof System it offers tangible environmental advantages such as energy efficiency, recycled content, mold resistance and indoor environmental quality. EPS can achieve the desired thermal resistance and can significantly reduce air leakage that may occur in traditional roofing systems.

Contact Us

Rafael Martell


Ana Alvarez

International Sales Director 


[email protected]